The sun was out and so we took Ellie to Minnis Bay.
She really enjoyed herself in the sea and rolling in the stinky sea weed and then at the end in all the mud!! We had already decided that we would have to shower her when we were home but while we were still at the bay, Penny rang and wanted some help with her computer. She lives along the sea road and Mal agreed to visit. I said no because Ellie was a mess but they said they didn’t care! So off we went for a cuppa and John spoilt Ellie, giving her treats and playing in the garden with her and then she fell asleep in their living room. An exciting morning.
On the drive out of Birchington we saw Nikki (a fellow Hatter) so we pulled over to say hello and she invited us in for tea as well but we declined, really had to make the most of the sun for the garden and the allotment. Straight in the shower for Ellie and then she smelt a lot sweeter!
So, in the afternoon Mal went to the allotment and I started work in the garden and washing all Ellie’s blankets and towels.