A lack of blog as we didn’t seem to have any energy to do anything apart from dog walk and sit in the garden, deciding we would start “back to normal” next week. I think the intensely humid weather has done it. We have had NO rain. Every time we have been promised it for the south east, it has totally passed us by.
This morning we looked at the hour by hour weather, no rain again. Then it started spitting while we were walking Ellie and then more rain and suddenly on my phone it had changed as well! That’s not a forecast, it is telling you when it happens, not in the future. So yes, we did get a little wet but not complaining, we need the rain. The drawback is that today is the first day of the Sandwich Festival and as we walked through town, the stall holders setting up were not happy!

They were all down King Street as well. This is outside the Guildhall, the forecourt where starting very soon they are going to resurface, at great expense, for no obvious reason at all. I am guessing it will be like Dover Marina where they are unable to use it for boats!! Dover District Council and Sandwich Town council seem to love throwing money away BUT are not interested in our local community centre. It makes me so angry.
What a difference a few hours makes, thankfully the sun was back out.
We watched the Man U game and later watched the film ‘Duke’, which was entertaining.
Thought for the Day – “No one has ever become poor from giving.” ~ Anne Frank