November 2003

Saturday 1st November

We only had the car until lunchtime and so we drove to another kitchen tile shop, Gepaz. We immediately saw some tiles on the wall that were good enough. By now we know we are not going to have a huge choice and this was very near to what we wanted and, better still, they had them in stock. We gave the assistant our name and told her Hakan would be in to sort them out. She also let us have a tile and we went back to the granite shop to make sure that they went with the Granite we have chosen for the worktop. Success!! Next stop the supermarket to buy wine and a newspaper and then on to the house. They were all busy working when we arrived and this time we went and took some photos from the land behind.

I think this shows a few angles on the house

In the left picture above we have Mal trying to make decisions about landscaping and on the right is one of the enormous caverns that has been dug down the road for our electricity poles.

Well, we say goodbye to the house for this visit and hopefully on our next visit, it will no longer look like a building site but will be complete.

I rang Torin when we got back to the hotel and he was in bed not feeling at all well, not surprising having fallen all that way and landed on his back and ended up unconscious. He is very lucky. Makes you realise you have to grab every day and be thankful.

We sat on the terrace for the rest of the afternoon.

In the evening we walked down the road to Has restaurant. There were two Cypriot families in there when we arrived and watching them we discovered how you should eat lahmacun. They have a large plate of parsley in the middle of the table. They put a big handful of this in the middle of the lahmucan, squeeze lemon all over it, roll it up like a pancake and then eat it with your fingers. That was what we had to start, an Efes beer each, Mal had an enormous pide and I had chicken sis with salad and chips. We finished the meal with Turkish coffee and all of that came to less than £8. Amazing.

Went back to the hotel and threw everything in the cases, set the alarm for 4.45am and went to bed.

Sunday 2nd November

We were collected from the hotel at 5.30am to catch the 8.00 am flight. Much more civilised than the 6 .00 am one! We left on time, leaving the sunshine behind but we took some really good photos of Turkey before we hit the clouds. Very pleased with the new camera!

The next time we are back, for New Year, our house should be complete.