Mal turned the internet on and we had nothing! That was a bit of a shock but an easy mistake when we contacted Multimax. When we went into the office to pay, Mal sigend the paperwork but didn’t have any ID with him, so they copied my driving license. Of course, although we are married I didn’t change my name, so it looked to them as if ‘Daniel’ had paid and ‘Channing’ had not. They sorted it out straight away and assured us a note has now been made on the file. Full service resumed!
We walked Rosie and then I went to buy Cyprus Today see link . A bit more “news” than their usual midweek edition but I hasten to add that some of it is old news. PM Kűçűk seems to think that “the TRNC economy is in a good place.” I don’t think the pensioners will agree if they don’t get their pensions! And yes, we should all turn our lights off at 9.05 tonight for ten minutes as a protest to soaring electricity prices!
I started getting carrots ready for dinner and look what I found!
A good bargain for anyone who shops in Bon Marche see link and also M and S see link .
Mal and I went to bed fairly early as he is off to the UK for three days of meetings at Warwick Uni.
Thought for the Day – “Wheresover you go, go with all your heart.” ~ Confucius