Wednesday 30th November 2011

Mal turned the internet on and we had nothing! That was a bit of a shock but an easy mistake when we contacted Multimax. When we went into the office to pay, Mal sigend the paperwork but didn’t have any ID with him, so they copied my driving license. Of course, although we are married I didn’t change my name, so it looked to them as if ‘Daniel’ had paid and ‘Channing’ had not. They sorted it out straight away and assured us a note has now been made on the file. Full service resumed!

We walked Rosie and then I went to buy Cyprus Today see link . A bit more “news” than their usual midweek edition but I hasten to add that some of it is old news. PM Kűçűk seems to think that “the TRNC economy is in a good place.” I don’t think the pensioners will agree if they don’t get their pensions! And yes, we should all turn our lights off at 9.05 tonight for ten minutes as a protest to soaring electricity prices!

I started getting carrots ready for dinner and look what I found!

A good bargain for anyone who shops in Bon Marche see link and also M and S see link .

Mal and I went to bed fairly early as he is off to the UK for three days of meetings at Warwick Uni.


Thought for the Day – “Wheresover you go, go with all your heart.” ~ Confucius

Tuesday 29th November 2011

Another lovely day and so I made the most of it doing the weeding.

Mal went for a hair cut. He doesn’t have it cut very often but he was seriously beginning to look like and ageing hippy. When he came out he said his head looked like a light bulb, I am not sure what he meant by that (he didn’t like it??)

Multimax came early evening to install the equipment for our internet. I have to say they were very fast and efficient and had it ready in no time at all. Later I watched Eastenders live, thanks to Multimax!


Thought for the Day  – “Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday 28th November 2011

Another lovely day and so out in the garden. Rosie is funny, every day I make the bed, she sits right next to it and waits until I put the cover on and then likes sitting under it!

Multimax called when it was dark and said they could come and install but Mal didn’t fancy picking up the pieces if they fell off the roof in the dark and so told them it would be fine on Tuesday! I think Mal was wise and they had said Tuesday anyway.


Thought for the Day – “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.” ~ Samuel Butler

Sunday 27th November 2011

There was a charity car boot sale and carnival day on at Pine Bay, so Mal and I went along quite early. We spent quite a while trying to find who was selling raffle tickets as we wanted to buy some. We also bumped into Bev, Gary and Bev’s dad and ended up having a coffee with them. Hopefully the day made a lot of money for Children in Need.

Later we watched the Liverpool v Man City game. It was a very good game. In the evening Mal cooked a roast.

I was looking through Cyrpus Today and noticed that Cratos are doing a 3 course dinner including 2 glasses of wine per person on a Wednesday evening for 50tl a person. That makes it cheaper than a LUNCH at the Rocks!! (The Rocks 38tl for business lunch plus 2 glasses of wine 2x10tl = 58tl.) Also the Cratos  say “Happy hour will be continued throughout the function”. Interesting!

If anyone is looking to ‘pop over’ to Istanbul for a couple of days see link. As you know we have stayed at the Erboy and highly recommend it.

We phoned the Cardiff boys in the evening. It seems their time over here with us was well spent. Sol now has to do a presentation for his English about endangered species. They have been told if they can link it personally then they will get higher marks. So, Sol is doing the turtles as he has watched them hatching and also carried out a lot of research when here and wrote an article for NCFP.

It also seems that Tariq is one of the far better swimmers in his class and the teacher asked him how he was such a good swimmer. I have a feeling that it was something to do with the races we had with them in the pool! So, even though we live 2,000 miles away at least we have made a contribution! I do miss them all though.


Thought for the Day -“If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day.” ~ John A. Wheeler

Saturday 26th November 2011

Another look at the temperature gauge and it looks as though it was colder here overnight than London!

For anyone wanting rooms in the UK for December or January see link. We have used this many times.

We went off to Multimax in Karakum to sign up with them as or new internet provider. They will be coming on Tuesday to install.   We bought some shopping on the way back and Cyprus Today see link. One thing not mentioned by NCFP was the fact that 6,000 tons of  lemons have been left to rot on trees because of increasing costs. It adds a new dimension to ‘Pick your own’.  That and “call for help to save olive industry” and “onion growers hit out at government over imports”. A sorry state for the agricultural sector.

And here is Mal’s and my first publication… a very funny book by Ken Dunn. Well done Ken. see link. I am sure many of us have a book within us but Ken has now had his first (more to come) published.


Thought for the day – “Promise me you will always remember you are braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem and smarter than you think “– Christopher Robin (from Winnie the Pooh….one of my favourite quotes!)



Friday 25th November 2011

I looked at the weather forecast when I got up. 11 degrees in Kyrenia and 10 in London! But at least we have sun here.

We went to the beach with Rosie.

For today only, a bargain here see link.  And another bargain for this week, less than half price see link

More gardening in the sun.

We have had a really bad week with our Extend broadband. Along with this most weekends it is dreadful and seeing as we use Skype a lot then, or try to, it really isn’t good enough.  Mal emailed Gwyn and said we were thinking about leaving and she offered us a deal. Funny we were offered a deal when we say we are going. Nothing for loyalty here and we have been with Extend back when it was Ayza net. So, we are going to investigate Multimax tomorrow. Extend matched the price but not the speed. If we had good service we wouldn’t be moving but to be told the bad speed was because of the weather a week after the rains?!   Mal has important exam work to do online and I am fed up with him swearing when he was even unable to send even an email this week!



Thought for the Day – “A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” ~ Frank Zappa

Thursday 24th November 2011

Breakfast outside in the sun again! Yeah.

Today’s Bargain deal, if you would like a cheap camera see link. Also another gift that lasts the whole year through and is reduced see link.

I picked up the Alsancak Municipality Express the other day. The picture below explains all the changing of house numbers! BUT along with this they are saying the census is 27th November. NO it’s not,  it is 4th December!!

It was such a nice day we were gardening in the afternoon.


Thought for the Day – “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” ~ Meister Eckhart