Sunday 1st March 2009
Mal and I went off to Bev and Gary’s as Bev made me a lovely card for the twins and one from them and also a gift. She is kind and they are lovely. She left spaces for their names but they are not telling! My photos don’t do them justice!
Monday 2nd March 2009
We were up at 4.00 am for me to go to Ercan. Jill came round to collect me and stayed and had a cup of coffee with me at the airport. I travelled with Pegasus. No complaints! We arrived at Stansted on time and it was SUNNY! I collected the hire car. A very strange set up. If you book with Easy car (which seems to be one of the cheapest), Avis act as their agents, so you collect the car from Avis and the car is an Avis car but cheaper than Avis prices! Unusually my case was about third off and so it didn’t take long until I was at Karen and Torin’s. We sat and chatted all evening, I guess Karen will be glad when the twins come out tomorrow!
Tuesday 3rd March 2009 – TWINS DAY!!
I was awake at 4.00 am….still on Cyprus time! Karen and Torin went off to the hospital at 7.30.
Scarlet and Jack arrived at 9.45 by c-section. Scarlet -6 pounds 6 ounces and Jack 7 pounds 3 ounces. Wow, what a size! Mum and babies are doing well. Congratulations Karen and Torin.
What an exciting day!! Two more miracles and thankfully they are both healthy.
Wednesday 4th March 2009 – TWINS DAY +1!!
Torin went to the hospital in the morning (dad’s only). I went to the shops and also took the dogs out. Brodie is now the size of a small donkey and VERY strong. It also takes a lot to ‘pooper scoop’ with him! The twins are presently lying on a muslin sheet which Torin will bring home before the twins come so that Brodie and Boo get used to their smell.
Thursday 5th March 2009 – TWINS DAY +2!!
Torin went off to ‘dads only’ morning visiting at the hospital and after walking the dogs, I drove to Letchworth as I had to find an ‘Abbey National’. Half the branches seem to have closed down. I worked in Letchworth years ago and goodness how it has changed.
I went for the afternoon visiting and then back and again with Torin in the evening. Jack’s eye is looking a bit better.
Friday 6th March 2009 – TWINS DAY +3!!
Oh dear, still on Cyprus time I was awake at 5 am again. I took the dogs out (Torin had morning visiting). Brodie is so big now but well behaved although you can see people crossing the road when they see him! In spite of the difference in size, Brodie and Boo play really well together.
Saturday 7th March 2009 – TWINS DAY +4!!
Karen was due to come home with the twins but ended up staying in, a bit of a problem with feeding. So, Torin went for dad’s morning visiting and I went shopping. Torin came home and I went off for afternoon visiting. Karen looked a lot improved and the twins also seem to be settling a lot more.
Sunday 8th March 2009 – TWINS DAY +5!!
Twins home coming day! Torin went to collect Karen and the twins from the hospital. It was a rainy and windy day otherwise I would have wrapped them up and taken them for a walk. The first half hour was dog’s introduction to the twins. They were so good. They kept sniffing them and checking on them every time they moved. Boo licked both their heads, they will have to get used to that! Jack spent about an hour in the afternoon, just lying awake bless him.
Monday 9th March 2009
The next feed was 4 in the morning so I had another knock on the door. Again, they feed, changed and back to sleep again. I got up about 6 and made a cup of tea and finished packing my case. I gave Scarlet a last feed and sadly then had to leave for the airport. My last photo of them for a while. Karen’s mum was taking over from me and so I headed for Stansted. Mal told me the plane was late leaving Stansted and we left ¾ hour late. I have never had such a fast journey to Ercan. It took exactly 5 hours and that was with landing in Istanbul, half the plane getting off and a lot more getting on. Well done Pegasus! Jill collected me from the airport and I was back home in no time. Very pleased to see Mal! Of course Rosie went mad as usual, sniffing the case to see how many pig’s ears I had bought her.
Monday 10th March 2009
Mal took Rosie for her early morning walk and also gave me breakfast in bed. I was a bit tired!
I spent the rest of the day unpacking and sorting clothes out, washing and ironing.
I also checked on ticket sales for our SOS Project Fundraiser for our Pakistani Night on 21st March. Tickets are still available and it promises to be a good night.