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It was cold with a frost but we were up and out by 8.00am. First we went to Sainsburys. In the house here, there are light colour wood worktops. Mal has spent 10 years in Cyprus with granite worktops which cannot be damaged. Now he has to realize he can’t chop things on the worktop or slop tea bags etc. When we first moved in I bought a granite slab to put on to the worktop. Sainsbury’s now have them at half price so we have bought three more. That should save the wood.
We collected Violet and Tris and then all went to Botany Bay with Ellie. Another dog paradise. So many dogs and their owners enjoying the SUN. Violet and I were in the shallows and found a lot of crabs, which Ellie picked up the scent of and went deeper and deeper. We couldn’t get her to go very far in the Med!
Violet and Tris went back home to London and we had to change our hire car. I wanted to extend it with Hertz but they said I had to rebook so I rebooked through Easycar, which was much cheaper than direct with Hertz! We just went into the office in Dover and said “Can we have a clean car please?” They did laugh at us. This time they have given me a Ford C Max. It’s quite fun to see what I get next! We can’t decide whether to buy a car, lease one or keep on hiring. Meanwhile it’s nice to try different makes and models.
It just so happens that De Bradlei Wharf is opposite the Hertz office, so we went in there and stayed for lunch. Mal said he hadn’t been in the new Sainsbury’s so we called in there too before heading home, with a beautiful Turner-esque sunset….

Thought for the Day – “Everything starts with a sunrise but it’s what we do before it sets that matters” ~ K McGraw