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An awful lot of my 10,000 steps counted this morning in Sandwich. It was such a lovely morning it was easy to keep walking in the sun! I do count them with my phone.
Mal is becoming a grumpy old man about all the building in this country and all the green belt that is disappearing, it appears without anyone really caring, while the rich get richer selling their land and making huge profits. So, when he saw this construction next to the beautiful river in Sandwich he went off on one again …….until we read the sign. So, something positive. It’s surprising what happens in two and a half weeks away!
Planet Thanet Beer Festival is on this weekend. I really couldn’t face another one, as driver, sitting there drinking water!! Thankfully Mal’s youngest son, Dom wanted to meet him there. I dropped him off. I know there was a really good jazz band last year but I would rather not go.

I collected Mal when it finished and he said quite honestly there were far too many beers and he would rather go to the smaller festivals that the local pubs put on! I think he must be mellowing with age. I also expected him to want to go again the following day but he said one night was enough! He did however enjoy the time spent with Dom as we don’t see Gemma and Dom nearly enough seeing as they live so close to us. People all have such busy lives nowadays.
There was the most amazing moon on the way home. Of course this is how they determine Easter. It is on the first Sunday after the first ecclesiastical full moon following the spring equinox, meaning it can be celebrated on a Sunday between 22 March and 25 April. They are now trying to change this so it is no longer variable.
In the UK, an act of Parliament passed in 1928 allowed for Easter Sunday to be fixed on the first Sunday after the second Saturday in April.
However, this has never been activated and Easter has remained variable, determined by the moon’s cycle.
Thought for the Day – “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” – Roald Dahl