Thursday 31st July 2014

Bargains – Halfords Bikes Sale save £60 at & Homebase Promotional Code with 15% off at &Debenhams Sale UK – Childrens School Uniforms with 20% off at & La Redoute Discount Code with 20% off at & Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit at & Boots Discount Code – 10% off at

Off to the beach and the sun rises are just so beautiful. 31-07-14 03-09-31 - 0005 And another try to get Ellie swimming!

She'd rather roll in stinky seaweed
She’d rather roll in stinky seaweed

Margaretha came round in the afternoon with an estate agent that she uses. We know that at the moment no one is looking for properties because it is too warm/hot but come September/October……sales will pick up.

Tepede Ev for sale

Thought for the Day – “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure” ~ Paulo Coelho

Wednesday 30th July 2014

Thorntons Promo Code at & I Want One Of Those Discount Code at iwantoneofthose.comBlacks Voucher Code – 10% off at & Tesco Direct Toys – up to 33% off at & Last Minute Voucher Code at & Dulux Paint Offers at & Brantano Voucher Code – 30% off at & Wallis Discount Code – 24% off plus Free Delivery at

Happy Birthday to our grandson Tariq and our nieces Julie and Wendy…all today! I sent a request for them all into Vanessa Feltz. I then heard from Radio 2 and they wanted to phone me today, to speak on air…..coward that I am, I declined! But they did mention their birthdays.

News from Karsiyaka Turlte Watch….

“Nest ‘Mia’ has hatched this morning so EXCAVATION tonight meeting at The Turtle Shack (behind Guzelyali Restaurant) 6pm. Also have a release of 44 hatchlings from another nest this morning and maybe more. Release will follow about 8-30pm.”

A big clean up day. Where does all the dog hair come from when I brush Ellie twice a day and shower her quite a bit too?

Margaretha came round in the afternoon.

In the evening obviously we went to the Turtle Shack. There is nothing quite as wonderful as seeing these little fellas coming out of the sand and making their way to the big wide world. Seeing as there are only 16 nests this year, we made sure we were there tonight.

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We hadn’t had dinner and decided to eat on the way home. We went into Dolphin in Alsancak. A bit more quantity than quality, not too impressed. The chips tasted as though they had been cooked in old fat and my fish şiş, the fish was over cooked. A shame because we had hoped it was going to be better. They include the huge bread and mezes in the price.

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In Herne Bay as it was Tariq’s birthday so they all went out for a meal and then walked home along the sea front. They went to a restaurant called Riggings and said it was excellent. River missed out as he was working.

Oscar, Sol, Tariq, Josie, Ollie and Lou
Oscar, Sol, Tariq, Josie, Ollie and Lou


Rhys, Oscar and Josie and some of Ollie!
Rhys, Oscar and Josie and some of Ollie!

Thought for the Day – “Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that you can make anything happen.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday 29th July 2014

Bargains – Sri Lanka Holiday All Inclusive – & Holiday in Gozo Malta – HB £329pp at & Whittards Tea with up to 30% off at & Wilkinson Sale with up to 60% off at & Wallis Shoes – 20% off at & Marks and Spencer Swimwear 30% off at

For those of you who hear the constant noise from the cicadas but haven’t seen one, in spite of the fact they often throw themselves at you, here is one that decided to land on one of our chairs……

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And another beautiful sun rise during our walk in the mountains
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I am sorry to hear this morning that my best downloading site is closing because of the new rules in the UK.

I heard from Rhys and they have been over to the swimming pool at our caravan. We had another very lazy day in paradise!

In the evening we had mains water coming in. Thank you to the Beledeysi.

Thought for the Day – “When you finally accept that it is OK not to have answers and it’s OK not to be perfect, you realize that feeling confused is a normal part of what it is to be a human being.” ~ Winona Ryder

Monday 28th July 2014

Bargains – Cheap Hotel Rooms – up to 75% off at & Boots Discount Code – 10% off at & Thorntons Hampers – 50% off at & Currys Sale with up to 60% off at & Monsoon Wedding Dresses Sale at & Bon Marche Discount Code –

Şeker Bayramı (Sugar Feast) is the three day festival following Ramazan.

I hear today that civil servants at the Passport Office are going on strike in the UK. What a state to get in. I feel so sorry for all the people waiting to have their passports returned, including Rhys who is waiting for Oscars but at least they didn’t book anywhere. If there weren’t so many complaints to be dealt with, maybe they could get the passports out….a few more staff?!

I thought I would share this picture as I love it. It is the Grand Union Canal in Hemel Hempstead, very close to where I used to live. It is just so tranquil….


I went to get some shopping in Ileli as the supermarkets are open but I guess there will be less and less fresh food as the week progresses. Apart from that a very lazy day. Mal and I are both getting through a lot of books, a good thing we have e readers.

In the evening I watched “Gorilla School.” It is all about Damien Aspinall and the gorillas, three from Howletts that they fly to a reserve in Gambon. The Aspinalls have done so much for endangered species. I just love that zoo.

Thought for the Day – “You have to embrace getting older. Life is precious and when you have lost a lot of people, you realize that each day is a gift.” ~ Meryl Streep

Sunday 27th July 2014

Bargains – Halfords Voucher Codes give 10% off at & Brantano Voucher Code – 25% off at &Homebase Garden Furniture – over 50% off at & MandMDirect Discount Code – Free Delivery at & Blacks Sale with up to 50% off at & Kwik Fit Discount Code at

We were up early considering we were late to bed after our huge meal. We were still full this morning, so the walk did us good.

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On the way back from the mountains we checked our meter box to see if the beledeysi’s wasp trap has worked. They have nailed it to a nearby tree. The wasps are still in the meter box! Two were standing guard at the entrance! I have no idea how we are going to get our bill out.

Such a nice day for swimming in the pool!
Thought for the Day – “There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Saturday 26th July 2014

Bargains – National Express Funfare – & Designer Bags Sale at & I Want One Of Those Discount Code at & Boots Offer of the Week at & Premier Man Discount Code 10% off at & Buy Me a Gift – Flash Sale at & Debenhams Promo Code – 10% off at

We were up early and so decided we would take Ellie to the beach. Most Golden Retrievers love the sea and anything to do with water. Ellie does blow bubbles in her drinking water and also likes putting her feet in her bowl but beyond that she is not keen, even by the pool. In fact she has always been frightened of the sea.  Well, we will try again! Mal went in and step by step encouraged her to get in as well. She didn’t swim or anything but that is the first time we have managed to get her in. Every gun dog I have ever owned has loved swimming. We will get there with Ellie! Who knows what happened to her before she came to her forever home.

As far as she would go!!
As far as she would go!!

She just loved it at the beach, mostly chasing around on the sand and digging.
On the way home we stopped at Atakara to buy fresh olive bread for breakfast and also Cyprus Today. One of the most interesting articles “GC Leader ‘storms out‘ “.  Anastiades chose to select only the issues he wanted for the’ talks’.  He had his say and then lit a cigarette, rather insulting during Ramadan, and then walked out!

A day by the pool. In the evening we went out to dinner. Ellie was sitting under the terrace. I called her in and she just looked at me. She knew we were going out and decided she didn’t want to come in! It’s funny, if we go out during the day, she just settles down indoors, in the evening she objects! Bribery to get her in!

We ate at Tervetuloa. It’s very close to our house and we haven’t been there for a long time. They have smartened up the garden which looks very nice now. The food? Don’t ever go there unless you are really hungry!  The deal is you order your main course but included in that price is a large bottle of water, 10 cold mezes and three hot mezes, your main course with chips, desert, coffee and brandy! I ordered a delicious fish on the tile but that and salad would have been ample!  It was a lovely meal though.

Thought for the Day – “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it. ” ~ Maya Angelou

Friday 25th July 2014

Bargains – Sainsburys Fuel Offer – 10p off per litre for £60 spend & Jacamo Discount Code – 10% off at &Wallis Discount Code – 20% off at & La Redoute Discount Code with 20% off at &Marks and Spencer Discount Code – £5 off at & Garden Plants For Sale – & Boots Discount Codes – 10% off at & Debenhams Garden Furniture Sale at

Another beautiful sun rise while we are walking in the mountains.

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In the afternoon we invited David and Kenny to a BBQ. That was good because at least Mal cooked the meat, of course I did the rest but I wasn’t standing over a hot cooker. They have some very funny stories and today was no exception. Kenny had hiccups and Mal was trying to show him how to drink backwards to stop them. I think it was just an excuse for the pair of them  to drink more wine but they did stop. It was a good afternoon.

Stopping hiccups!
Stopping hiccups!

Well, then I got to thinking that when I was at school the spelling was hiccough and so I checked it in the dictionary and it seems both are agreeable. I do wish they would stop changing the English language!
Thought for the Day – “Remember this, that very little is needed to make a Happy Life.” ~ Marcus Aurelius