Saturday 30th November 2024

I did an early morning dash to Westwood Cross to collect a couple of Christmas present orders from Next. I also managed to get a couple of gift boxes and then came straight home before Ellie was due at the vets! It was her weigh in again and she has stayed exactly the same weight 27.8kg. We were a little concerned as she looks as if she has lost maybe a bit too much. Her waist measurement was less than last time strangely but the same weight, so all good.

After lunch we walked into town as all the Christmas things were starting.

We had a walk round and then into the craft market and then ended up in the Market Inn for a drink or two. Later there was the Christmas procession and lights switch on but we missed that and came home as Hammers were playing! They lost to Arsenal!

Friday 29th November 2024

I went into Deal to collect my new glasses and sunglasses. Whilst I was there, I did a bit more Christmas shopping. I think everyone had the same idea as I had to queue to get out of the car park, it was sooo busy!

I have to sort out the Christmas presents as we are away for a while in December and I don’t want masses to do when we come back.

Thursday 28th November 2024

I had to scrape the ice off the windscreen of the car before we went to take Ellie to Minnis Bay. On the way we stopped at the shop and saw Jack and Penny. Penny now works at our shop on Thursdays. She was talking about the Man shed as she does a lot for the local one.

From there we went to the sea front. It was cold but Ellie doesn’t mind at all.

We went to Quex on the way back and had a pot of tea to warm us up. While we were there, we wandered down to the Man Shed and Mal went in to see what they were doing. He met up with Penny’s husband John.

Tuesday 26th November 2024

This was the day trip out on the Windsor Christmas Cruise for our Red Hatters. Only four of us went but it was a really good day. The sun was out all day!

They had to put and extra step on to the boat as the river was so high!

Penny had her purple hat on as it is her birthday month.

We had mulled wine as we boarded and then a 3 course Christmas lunch followed by mince pie and coffee all as we were travelling along the Thames.

We even had Father Christmas who gave us all a present.

We also had Christmas music on as we were cruising up the river. It really was a lovely day out.

Friday 22nd November 2024

I had to return to the pharmacy in Eastry so decided to have our morning walk across the fields in Eastry. Yes, it was VERY cold  but we wrapped up with thick jumpers, hats etc. We think Ellie is getting old but she ran and ran over the fields. She does love the wind and cold.

Then on to the pharmacy to collect my prescription that Boots don’t have.  The previous days prescription said not to use it if the problem was fungal!! The pharmacist said as he couldn’t see my notes, to call the medical centre!  After many calls I managed to speak to the “prescription queries” person and she said yes take both and also said they should have contacted me back in October with the result of the swab. Too late to worry now.

In the evening we went to see the Alter Eagles at The Astor Theatre in Deal.

They are certainly not as good as the Illegal Eagles!  But then we should have known as the seating capacity is only for about 200 at that theatre. The Illegal Eagles fill the Marlowe (1,200 seats) for three nights! What can I say, the singer was straining his voice to sound like them but the lead guitarist was excellent. I like the Eagles music, what more can I say!


Thursday 21st November 2024

My ear improved for about three days and has now gone back to the way it was before the antibiotics, cream and drops, so time to go back to the docs. Well, it never is a doc is it, it’s some sort of “practitioner”. At least I managed to get an appointment in the morning. This time I saw Laura. She took a swab even if the last Lady took one! Then she spent ages looking things up on the computer! She was going to send the swab away and gave me 2 prescriptions for cream and drops. I was to return if this doesn’t work!!

I planned to go shopping in Ramsgate so took both prescriptions into Boots, Ramsgate….they had neither! Great. Then I had a text message from Laura……..

“Dear Mrs Daniel

Apologies I had not seen that you previously had an ear swab –  we now have the results of this and there is an element of fungal infection within the ear canal. I have therefore sent a prescription to Boots Sandwich for antifungal drops – use in addition to the antibiotic ones but at separate times. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So back to Boots Sandwich. Out of the now THREE prescriptions, they could only supply one. One would take four days and the last one was “out of stock at the manufacturers”. I queried what I should do about that and was told to go back to the surgery and tell them.

I queued in the surgery and then spoke to a lovely receptionist who told me that it would just be Boots supplier that couldn’t get them! She told me she would ring the independent pharmacy in Eastry, a village on the way to Dover. She did and they had them. How nice of her.

So, I then drove to Eastry.  I spoke to the pharmacist and he said did I want to have all my prescriptions electronically forwarded to him. He also does delivery. I told him that was a good idea as I still had to wait 4 days for the other prescription from Boots Sandwich. He tried to ring them so he could dispense it as he had it in stock. He could see the prescription but had to have it officially passed to him. They wouldn’t answer the phone so I agreed to collect it the following day. Two people I spoke to whilst waiting told me to stick with his pharmacy as it was far better than any Boots. What a total waste of a day! But  a really nice Asian pharmacist. In my experience they are usually the best, have an excellent work ethic.