My ear improved for about three days and has now gone back to the way it was before the antibiotics, cream and drops, so time to go back to the docs. Well, it never is a doc is it, it’s some sort of “practitioner”. At least I managed to get an appointment in the morning. This time I saw Laura. She took a swab even if the last Lady took one! Then she spent ages looking things up on the computer! She was going to send the swab away and gave me 2 prescriptions for cream and drops. I was to return if this doesn’t work!!
I planned to go shopping in Ramsgate so took both prescriptions into Boots, Ramsgate….they had neither! Great. Then I had a text message from Laura……..
“Dear Mrs Daniel
Apologies I had not seen that you previously had an ear swab –Â we now have the results of this and there is an element of fungal infection within the ear canal. I have therefore sent a prescription to Boots Sandwich for antifungal drops – use in addition to the antibiotic ones but at separate times. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So back to Boots Sandwich. Out of the now THREE prescriptions, they could only supply one. One would take four days and the last one was “out of stock at the manufacturers”. I queried what I should do about that and was told to go back to the surgery and tell them.
I queued in the surgery and then spoke to a lovely receptionist who told me that it would just be Boots supplier that couldn’t get them! She told me she would ring the independent pharmacy in Eastry, a village on the way to Dover. She did and they had them. How nice of her.
So, I then drove to Eastry. I spoke to the pharmacist and he said did I want to have all my prescriptions electronically forwarded to him. He also does delivery. I told him that was a good idea as I still had to wait 4 days for the other prescription from Boots Sandwich. He tried to ring them so he could dispense it as he had it in stock. He could see the prescription but had to have it officially passed to him. They wouldn’t answer the phone so I agreed to collect it the following day. Two people I spoke to whilst waiting told me to stick with his pharmacy as it was far better than any Boots. What a total waste of a day! But a really nice Asian pharmacist. In my experience they are usually the best, have an excellent work ethic.