Wednesday 29th February 2012

We woke up to no electricity, I guess it was something to do with the storms during the night. We had arranged to go South with Margaretha. It was quite a nice day and sun over in the “dark side”. As soon as we crossed the border, coming home, it was SNOWING!!

It was funny because driving from Lefkosa everyone was stopping by the roadside to take photos, including us! Well, it is not every day you see snow in Sunny Cyprus!

We did buy Cyprus Today on the way home. As commented on the link, there is plenty of news around but it seems they choose not to publish it….I wonder why?!

As I write this at 5.00pm, the temperature outside is 4.8 degrees! A quick check and I see it is 14 degrees in Margate!!!




Thought for the Day – “Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” ~ Vista M. Kelly

Tuesday 28th February 2012

Do you need presents in the near future, perhaps Mother’s Day? This is a not to be repeated offer for two days only, 29% off!! You can even treat yourself at that discount!

More rain and as I write this, thunder is rumbling around the mountains! Just when we think the weather has improved! Log burner alight again and we keep it ticking over to keep the damp out of the house. Not just rain, hail stones too. You can just about see them in my picture.  AND torrential rain with the electricity flicking on and off.


"Sunny Cyprus" in February!




Thought for the Day -“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”  ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

Monday 27th February 2012

Rain during the night, we should be thankful with droughts in the UK! Another walk in the mountains and still masses of orchids everywhere.

I managed to do some gardening in the morning, along with a little Robin who came and sat next to me! He was so cheeky and didn’t even bother when Rosie came sniffing around.

I put all the lunch on the table outside and then the heavens opened! More rain and that was the way it continued for the rest of the day.

In the evening Mal’s computer was hit by a serious virus, he was not impressed but eventually managed to sort it out.

A great idea for a music lovers present in the UK


Thought for the Day -“Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time.”  ~ Betty Smith

Sunday 26th February 2012

We woke up to sun and so took Rosie to the beach for a swim, her not us! It was so nice we even had breakfast outside and lunch of course.

We managed to get a few jobs done and watched the football in the afternoon. A very tense final between Liverpool and Cardiff.



Thought for the Day -“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday 25th February 2012

Another beautiful day, tempted to say in paradise but it’s not quite!

Mal and I went to buy some hozelock joints for the pressure washer to clean the paths and terrace. We also paid our Multimax bill, having forgotten that we (and all subscribers) were given a weeks free internet for when the power cuts were constantly happening. Well done Multimax, one of the very few companies here that value their customers. We all also have vastly  increased download speed overnight and until 10.00am for no extra!

Then, for the fifth time we went to the new Samar Express to buy our half price toilet tissue. Yes, you guessed it, they don’t have any! Great advertising campaign when they don’t carry the stock they are offering at bargain prices. They also claim to be the cheapest. So, we asked how much a 5 litre carton of Cape Elephant Rose wine was (along with many other things there was no price on it!) The ‘boss’ was there and so Mal asked the price. He was told 30.30tl. Mal told him across the road at Hur Deniz it was 24.95tl and after all, again in this weeks Star, another advert of theirs “We claim that we are the cheapest anywhere.” You can guess, Mal received the Cyprus Shrug!! I guess he doesn’t realise we will make others aware!  Perhaps this guy should have words with Kemal at Multimax and he could explain what customer service is all about. We won’t be going back to Samar!!

We had a total of about three hours with Scarlet and Jack on the web cam, they are so funny. I also had a long chat with Rhys which is unusual as he is usually so busy with his business. He told me the downside of being English living in Wales with all the Welsh sports going on this weekend! He said everywhere was awash with daffodils!

Scarlet and Jack’s disco at Dads……………………………

Thought for the Day -“Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.  ~ Lois Wyse

Friday 24th February 2012

Another beautiful day, a sure way to get the weather to change buying another 3 ton of logs!

Lunch outside in the sun. In the evening Torin, Scarlet and Jack came on the web cam. Mal is really so silly with them and has them in hysterics. River also came on  for a bit more help with his Maths, his exam is looming!

With the lack of water we have in the summer and also the reports of droughts in the UK this a great bargain. Another one 25% off everything at Laura Ashley.

Hairy Thorny Broom (Calycotome villosa)




Thought for the day -“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”  ~ Buddha

Thursday 23rd February 2012

Don’t miss this bargain…..24% off at BHS until midday tomorrow!

What a lovely day with the sun out and really warm. We went to the beach in the morning and then met up with Bev and Gary for lunch at B and I. It has been ages since we have seen Bev and Gary, so really enjoyed our lunch with them.

Thought for the Day -“Ocean:  A body of water occupying two-thirds of a world made for man – who has no gills.”  ~ Ambrose Bierce