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We were up at 5am, it must be summer. It’s much easier to get things done before the heat hits.
Mal was hameriting railings, a little like painting the Forth Bridge when he called me out to look at this very unusual little fella. Every time I got the camera out, he hid! Anyway, we managed to stop him becoming Hamerited to the railings! Fascinating but I couldn’t find him in my Mediterranean Wildlife book but I think he is a Phidippus something or other but according to the internet he should be living in America/Canada unless anyone can tell me anything different. So how did he get here?!
Seeing as some of the accounts relayed things like second legs longer than the others etc etc and he is also called a jumping spider, I’m afraid I didn’t get round to measuring his legs!
River has obviously started his GCSE revision in earnest as he is sending Mal past papers that he is doing and as Mal works for the exam board, he has access to the marking schemes. I think it is Physics tonight!
Thought for the Day – “If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive.” ~ American Quaker Saying