We packed the car and drove to the port, not far from where we were staying. When considering if we come back to the island, I have to say the ferry is expensive. We paid over £200, as locals said they can fly to Spain for less from the mainland. We arrived a little early so they let us go on the earlier 8.20am ferry.
Ellie really isn’t bothered by it at all.
We stopped at Ripley again, for a coffee in Pinnock’s Coffee House. They certainly are getting into the Coronation around there. Pinnock’s allows dogs upstairs where there have lovely comfortable sofas and you can stay as long as you want, obviously one of the “keep warm” neighbourhood places.
We then took Ellie to have a run amongst the bluebells.

As we walked back to the car park, we walked past a really old fashioned cobblers and they had wellies in the window for £10 a pair. Mal’s allotment wellies have sprung a leak, so we went in the shop. Well, I tired but I had to go out straight away as it was packed with shoes you couldn’t move. The cobbler came to the window and Mal asked for the boots. Well we both said it smelt just like a cobblers when we were young and the cobbler must have been at least 90! He managed to crawl round to where Mal was and find some wellies. I can’t imagine what happens if he has to use the ladder! It gave us both a giggle anyway and Mal got his wellies!
After all that excitement we continued the journey home and managed to get back before the crowds flocked towards Margate for the bank holiday.
We had a washing machine and tumble dryer in the lodge, so I came home with no dirty washing. Excellent.
Thought for the Day – “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” ~ Judy Garland