Wednesday 30th November 2022

No rain and so we took Ellie to Minnis Bay. She met another goldie , Harry but he was so boisterous that at one stage he squashed Ellie on the sand, which she wasn’t too impressed with !

On the drive home the fog came down and then it was clear by the time we arrived in Sandwich.

In the afternoon I went  to see our Queenie who was looking so much better, thank goodness. More Hatters things to sort out!

Thought for the Day – “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow just as well.” ~ Mark Twain

Tuesday 29th November 2022

I think we were lucky that we chose to walk Ellie over the fields instead of The Butts, along the river where we often go. Gossip has it that the emergency services pulled a body from the river. The place is swamped with police cars.

It was wet and muddy over the fields but Ellie loved it.

Later I went into Deal to do some shopping. Everywhere was packed so I didn’t stay too long. By the time I arrived home Mal had sorted out the Christmas tree.

The big football game in the evening! England v Wales and yes we won. Glad to see Foden playing this game.

Thought for the Day“Be a positive energy trampoline – absorb what you need and rebound more back.” ~ Dave Carolan

Monday 28th November 2022

My day volunteering at Cancer Research.  So we were up early to walk Ellie and Daisy across the fields.

A good day at work and we had high takings. No rain in Birchington but evidently it rained most of the day at home.

Mal looked after Daisy, not that she needs any looking after , she is very good apart from being another food scrounger but she is a goldie! Trudi collected her before I arrived home.

Thought for the Day“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” ~ Will Rogers

Sunday 27th November 2022

We took Ellie for a walk in the rain and then later Daisy arrived for an overnight stay. She is the goldie we had before who doesn’t want to go home. She really is a sweetie.

We watched the football and then of course we had to have wet walkies.

Then drying two goldies!! I have Ellie is trained to come in and lie on the towel, not with Daisy! She thought it was a great game to run around and let us try and catch her but we couldn’t stop laughing!

Sleepy dogs!!

Thought for the Day – “Dogs are not our whole life but they make our lives whole.”

Saturday 26th November 2022

No rain today and so we took Ellie to the “Beach Buddies” at St Mildred’s Bay. We haven’t taken her for a while and again she chased around with all the other goldies.

It was really nice to meet Barnaby too who is an assistance dog, a guide dog for his blind owner who had a short while off duty to play with all the other goldies.

I spoke to his owner and hadn’t realised that they retire the dogs at 8 but are thinking of extending it to 10 as they don’t have enough dogs. The one I am sponsoring at the moment is Grace, at the beginning of her two years of training.

Ellie slept most of the afternoon! Mal went to the allotment to do some weeding. Unusual to be weeding this time of year. I watched the football.

Thought for the Day – “Every new day begins with possibilities.” ~ Ronald Regan

Friday 25th November 2022

The sun was out and no rain and so we took Ellie to Minnis Bay.

She loves it down there and ran and ran. She is now much faster sinTce she has lost 6 kg. She has a new lease of life, which is excellent.

Back home in time to watch Wales get beaten by  Iran. Very pleased about that!

I then spent about an hour sorting out Hatters Christmas meal. I can’t believe they can get so confused about when it is/what they have chosen and what they have paid!! A good thing I keep very methodical records of everything. Mal says “it’s because they are all old!!” LOL. One had given me her choices but had paid no deposit and ignored my emails??!

The England game in the evening, disappointing and frankly boring!

Thought for the Day – “Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.” ~ KenPoirot

Thursday 24th November 2022

Shopping in the morning and I bought a Christmas tree on the spur of the moment! Fresh ones seem extremely cheap this year. Mind you, it may be bald by the time Christmas arrives.  I was obviously the first person to buy one as they had to get a screwdriver to undo the crate and then the young lad kindly carried it out for me and manoeuvred it into the car. This was in Lidl.

My theory is you get much better customer service at Lidl and Aldi than the big supermarkets and I love their selections this time of year particularly.

We watched the Brazil game in the evening. A fantastic second goal for Richarlison, Just a shame he doesn’t score like that for Spurs!

Thought for the Day – “One day your life will flash before your eyes – Make sure it’s worth watching.”