Thursday 31st March 2022

Yeah, my Covid test was negative! Thank goodness for that. Ellie and I went to the park and she had a really good run, obviously missed out on her long walks. It was very windy and she was chasing around with other dogs. Even more trees have been planted in the park. That’s nice to see.

By the time I arrived home, it was snowing!

Thought for the Day – “By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.”

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Wednesday 30th March 2022

Quite boring staying in and “resting”, although I need the rest, I feel so worn out. My sister is even out looking at fascinators for us both. She has had a really bad cold too but keeps testing negative. It will be a miracle if we all make it for the wedding!

Not so boring, I read on Facebook , well obviously the last to know, Sol has proposed to Milly! That’s what comes of being shut away. Ironical that they were supposed to be staying here now! I do hope I can see them at the wedding along with everyone else!

They called round to drop off Mal’s birthday present, of course at a distance at the front door. Awful I can’t ask them in.

Thought for the Day – “You will face many defeats in life but never let yourself be defeated.” ~ Maya Angelou

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Sunday 27th March 2022

We had been invited to Lou and Rhys’s for Mother’s Day. Of course I couldn’t go with Covid but they came round and left my present and card on the doorstep and we waved!! A lovely present and card. Mother’s Day is bad enough already without having to stay at home.

I also had a lovely card and present from Ellie!!

Mal cooked a roast for lunch, a shame I couldn’t taste it! On the whole a quiet day catching up with ‘Masterchef’!

I always hear from one of Torin’s friends, Rich and today was no different. Bless him he is one who will never forget Torin and gets in touch with me every event. How kind.

Thought for the Day -“A mother’s love endures through all.”

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Saturday 26th March 2022

Thank goodness the sun was out. I sat in the garden and later watched the England game….and carried on coughing and blowing my nose!

Thought for the Day -” In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” ~ Mark Twain

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Friday 25th March 2022

What a very odd week.  Mal had a cold, cough, sore throat and then I started. I guessed I had flu with a large amount of feeling brain dead! I had an appointment at the hairdressers at the beginning of the week to have my hair foiled. When she asked me what colours, I remember saying “I don’t know”!! Naomi, the hairdresser told me her son was ill and they had 8 cancelled appointments that day. I couldn’t cope with driving and so Mal got the train to work.

This evening I discovered I didn’t have flu when I tested positive for Covid! Happy Mother’s Day to me, I had been invited to Rhys’s on Sunday. Not only that Sol and Millie were coming to stay on Monday prior to River’s wedding, so I had to let everyone know. I just hope this goes before the wedding but now I hear so many people have it.  I keep dosing myself up and hope for the best.

Thought for the Day – “Health is not valued until sickness comes.” ~ Thomas Fuller

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Monday 21st March 2022

Spring really is here, apart from the frost in the field first thing but then the sun came out. Ellie and I went to the park and they have planted about 50 trees, how lovely.

I had an appointment at the vets for Ellie for her weight loss. She has lost 1.1kg which they said was excellent as it has to be done slowly. I guess I was a little disappointed so she showed me a model of how much it was. She has also lost 3cms around her waist

Thought for the Day – “Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.”

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Sunday 20th March 2022

Another beautiful day and so we took Ellie to Kearsney. She does love her paddles and meeting all the other dogs. At least she wasn’t begging for treats today!

We met Tris, Violet and Dom for Sunday lunch and we went to Olby’s in Margate. The sun was out and Margate was very busy. A good thing Tris had booked our table.

The meals were huge but Mal helped me out!

We then had to leave to get home in time for THE match! Hammers v Spurs. It could have been anyone’s game the way they have both been playing but thankfully Spurs won!

Mal and I have both have colds and Mal nearly lost his voice today, too much talking!

Thought for the Day – “Hope but never expect.  Look forward but never wait.”

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