Sunday 31st March 2019

Mother’s Day, a day I was not looking forward to, it doesn’t get any easier. Mal knew that and gave me this nice card first thing.

We went out for lunch with Lou and Rhys, Ollie, Oscar, Josie, River, Maddie, Sol and Millie. I had nice presents and cards.

Back home later and we watched the Spurs game.

Thought for the day – “A mother is not defined by the number of children you can see but by the love she holds in her heart.” ~ Franchesca Cox

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Saturday 30th March 2019

I had a lot of shopping to get and also another birthday present, so went to Westwood early. It was really warm and sunny so thought I would be back quickly but then Mal phoned and asked me to get a shower head, two places didn’t have what he wanted but I found one in the end.

I also bought the Easter chocs for the twins so that I can get those ready to post. I do miss them and fear they may be grown up before we are allowed to see them again. I just hope they are being given everything we send them and that Mal and I will still be around when their mother no longer has control. Torin would have hated this.

In the afternoon Mal went to the allotment and I tidied up the back garden and the storage cupboard.

The world’s weather has gone crazy. This is a photo of north Cyprus today, along with  severe weather warnings and people told not to travel unless they have to!

In total contrast I have really been enjoying all the beautiful magnolia we have seen on our travels. It has evidently been one of the best years for them. I had one Torin bought me when we lived in Sevenscore, before we left for Cyprus.

Thought for the Day – “For Every Reason It’s Not Possible, There Are Hundreds Of People Who Have Faced The Same Circumstances And Succeeded.” ~ Jack Canfield

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Friday 29th March 2019

We had an early morning walk through the woods and around the lake. It was very hazy. Quite atmospheric.

Breakfast next and there was a breakfast conference taking place and so another couple refused to eat in the restaurant and instead joined us with Ellie as it was quieter!

Mal and I both had the eggs royale, very nice.

We packed up and Mal went to pay the bill and told the receptionist of several mix ups we weren’t happy about and we got an “Oh dear, sorry” and that was it, not at all interested. A shame when the standards and staff used to be so good.

We took a slow drive home, through Rye and stopping for a walk along Walmer beach. The sun was out and it was really warm.  We looked for a pub with a garden and ended up using one quite close to home, The Coach and Horses at Hacklinge. They allow dogs but also have a “secret garden”, so we ate lunch out there. What a difference, the landlady was so nice and couldn’t do enough for us, so we will be going there again.

In the evening Mal took Ellie to the field across the road and Hendrix was over there. He is a service dog and so when he isn’t working, he goes a bit bonkers. Mal had to put Ellie on the lead in the end because she was doing too much chasing around. I think she will be back to normal very soon. The fluid under the wound is going bit by bit.

Thought for the Day – “A smooth sea never created a skilled sailor.” ~ Franklin D Roosevelt

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Thursday 28th March 2019

Good news this morning to hear that Ole Gunnar Solskjær has been appointed the permanent manager of Man U. He truly deserves it but watch out the rest of the Premier division! I was glad to hear that on the news but Brexit? What a total farce. Our government just does not work!

We walked Ellie and then took her in for her (and our ) breakfast. I had Eggs Royale, Mal had full English and Ellie had her sausage.

It was sunny to begin with in the morning but not quite warm enough for a swim.

We went into Battle and I called into Demelza. The staff there are certainly not as friendly as we are and seemed totally uninterested when I told them I worked in the Canterbury shop!

We then drove to Hastings Country Park to give Ellie some exercise as she hasn’t had much lately.

First of all we called in at The Coastguard Tea Rooms, another dog friendly place. It’s  really nice in there, Ellie lay down flat and the waitress kept stepping over her but wouldn’t let me move her!

Then it was time for our long walk in the country park but we had to make sure Ellie didn’t go too mad. There are some stunning views but not quite as good on a cloudy, dull afternoon.

Trish, the vet phoned us to let us know that Ellie’s lump is an intermediate tumour which means that she said she is sure with the amount that she took away there will be no problem. A good thing I found it early. Good news!

As it was our last evening we decided to eat in the hotel so we had booked to eat with Ellie the same place we have breakfast but wanted the fine dining set menu. Firstly the reserved tables were occupied. The bar maid said if we could sit just outside the room, we could have our table when a couple who were just having a drink, moved!! Suffice to say it went downhill from then and we ended up driving to The Senlac Inn up the road instead to eat!

Thought for the Day -” Laughter is a way of really letting out all this pressure that you could face in your daily life in the suffering of your people, and comedy is almost like a medicine to your soul in a way.” ~ Hiam Abbass

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Wednesday 27th March 2019

Ellie is still having water tablets which means she is weeing a lot, so we walked her around the lake fairly early and then went straight into breakfast. The restaurant is in the orangery and just next to it, they lay up tables for owners with dogs, very nice too and a sausage for Ellie’s breakfast. I don’t think you get much dog friendlier than this!  Normally we would leave Ellie in the room but we don’t want her attacking her wound or licking it too much.

We went off to Hastings for the day. The car park on the sea front by the Shipwreck Museum is £3.10 for the day. Much cheaper than Canterbury or Thanet (Margate/Ramsgate etc) where it is £1 an hour!

We walked all along the sea front and then decided to have fish and chips for lunch at The Old Town Fryer. We then walked around the old town and finally to 20th Century Funking Junk. We love that place and were hoping to buy some things but the prices have gone up ridiculously, an old mangle, just like my grandmother had was £155!! We wanted some stone ornaments for the garden but most were damaged or chipped and you could buy them cheaper at a garden centre!

Of course, as we always do when at the seaside we finished off with honeycomb ice cream and shared it with Ellie.

She really enjoyed her day, sharing some of the fish and the ice cream but she was very tired.

We had a sandwich and wine in the evening, in the hotel after a walk around the lake.

Thought for the Day – “When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I see a soul.” ~ A. D. Williams

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Tuesday 26th March 2019

We had a much happier Ellie minus doggy babygro!

We have booked three days at our favourite hotel, Powdermills in Battle, it has been an annual event for us and Ellie, years ago we used to bring our other dogs.

The traffic was horrendous, we were sent on a diversion to avoid Dover and several more road closures so a short journey turned into quite a long one. I think it will do Ellie good having some gentle exercise.

On arrival we checked into our room and then had sandwiches out in the garden, in the sunshine. It really has beautiful grounds. The owner walked past us with her dog and Ellie started barking at it…not a good start and I have never known her do that. I guess she must feel a bit traumatised by recent events.

We have a lovely room with a very pretty view.

Early evening we walked around the lake, I had to chase Ellie as she got the sniff of a squirrel, she must be feeling a bit better.

Later we drove out to the Black Horse, Telham, another very dog friendly pub. They loved Ellie . Wow, excellent food too. The staff were lovely and the customers all chatted with us too. A good choice. I had grilled sea bass. So good.

Thought for the Day – “The coolest people I’ve ever met have the most colourful pasts. They have lived lives of risk, made bad choices, learned lessons, explored and they are not afraid of being real. Tattered tapestries woven of similar threads, they’re my kind of people – my favourite shades of crazy.”

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Monday 25th March 2019

We had a good day at Demelza and I know I didn’t need another dress but it was lovely and so I bought it!

Heather bought a few things too.

I left work a little early as we had to take Ellie for her 5 day check up. Trish pushed the injury around a bit and said “oh she has quite a of of bruising.” Ellie didn’t like  being pulled around at all and wouldn’t stop shaking. I have never seen her shake like that. She has fluid under the wound and so we have water tablets to give her, thankfully we can leave the dressing off as it has healed inside. We have to go back next Monday to have the staples out and to be checked again. Trish will ring us when she receives the results from histology.

A good result for the football in the evening England won 5-1.

Thought for the Day – “You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.” ~ Paulo Coelho

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