Another 3 am wake up and wide awake. Made a cup of tea, felt so shattered went back to bed.
Mal text later saying he hadn’t slept well, someone screaming in pain all night ….ouch!
I sorted a lot of summer clothes out to put away now we won’t be holidaying in Madeira, also put the cases away which I hadn’t got round to. Then back to the hospital again. Mal asked me to tell people he doesn’t want visitors yet, not even his sons, he just wants to sleep and relax. I told them and they are trying to ignore the fact Mal has asked they go through me. Have they no respect for their father? I don’t care if they don’t have respect for me but Mal is the centre of the universe at the moment, not them, time they realised it and stopped being so selfish. I am not their mother she may have been weak, I am not!!
It was Mal’s worst day, I just sat there for 5 hours holding his hand while he was in and out of sleep, in fact I was quite worried about him.
I was invited to Lou and Rhys’s for an evening roast. I sat in the hospital and Rhys phoned absolutely choking with cold, he had to go home from work he felt so ill and they didn’t have any Covid tests left. He offered to eat away from me in the living room or they would plate up my dinner…….I can’t believe it, can something go right please? I can’t risk getting any infection and taking it into Mal. So, Rhys waited in the car while I collected my Sunday roast!! What a shame. I did however bring Ellie back with me to try and get back into some sort of “normal”, like taking her for a walk in the morning instead of walking round in circles wondering what I am doing!!
So lovely to have her home, just need Mal now! She ran upstairs to find him, remember she had sat next to him all the time when the paramedics were here knowing something was wrong. I think she was happy to be home.