Friday 30th September 2016

Bargains – How To Use An Allbeauty Discount Code To Save Money & The Toy Shop Discount Code | 50% off | Zavvi Voucher Codes | 10% off | & Valid Travelodge Discount Code or Travelodge Voucher Codes &Look Fantastic Promo Code | 15% off | & Mankind Discount Code |

Mal finished cutting the hedge and I carried on cleaning  awaycement dust, this time off all the windows and shutters! A good way to clean windows. Three tea bags in a mug, let them stew and when it is cold put the liquid in a spray bottle and use newspaper. It leaves far less smears and smears really show up in the sun here!! It even beats vinegar in my opinion.

Lena and Willy invited us over for coffee at 11. We went over and Lena had made the most delicious apple cake. So tempting, I just had to have some. It’s nice spending time with them after so long and Willy always has such interesting stories and he has the same sense of humour as Mal.

Back to work after lunch, time is running out so we are now trying to do as much as we can!

In fact we tried to do so much we really couldn’t be bothered to go out and eat in the evening and so we ordered a kebab from The “Best Kebab house” in Alsancak.

Thought for the Day – “The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.” ~ William James

Thursday 29th September 2016

Bargains – Marks and Spencer Discount Code | 50% off | & Cheap All Inclusive Holidays | & Make Savings With A Coggles Discount Code And Coggle Sale & Designer Bags Sale | &Groupon Deals Glasgow | 15% off Local Deals | & Laura Ashley Sale | 50% off |

We went into Girne to Kibtek to put credit on our electricity bill. We went straight to the counter and were dealt with straight away, that must be a first! We then  had a wander around Girne and the harbour.

As we had to drive back through Karaoğlanoğlu, we thought we would have lunch at Magarina Bulli and see Kezi and Kenan. We sat down and no one came to serve us so we went indoors to choose our food and they had one of my favourites, molohiya, on the menu. Cooked well it is delicious but it wasn’t that tasty and Kezi usually loads your plate up but this was much smaller portions. We did ask where Kezi and Kenan were and we were just given the “Cyprus shrug”. I ordered a coke and a water and they were just plonked on the table with no glass and we weren’t given any bread either! I presumed Kezi was on holday.

Oh no, I discovered later in the day when I contacted Kezi that they have sold up! Such a shame. We won’t be going back there, standards have slipped.

Margaretha called round in the afternoon to collect her other computer and she is now going back to the shop to ask him what she paid for as he did nothing he told her he had! Mal fixed it! We caught up with a bit of TV in the evening. It is getting darker rapidly earlier.

Thought for the Day – “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” ~ Anne Frank

Wednesday 28th September 2016

Bargains – Boots Discount Codes | 50% off | & Whittards Voucher Codes | 10% off | & This Is The Last Stop For A Debenhams Plus Discount Code & Wow! This Is The Best HQ Hair Discount Code Yet & Hertz Discount Code | 20% off & La Redoute Discount Code | 40% off |

I wonder if some may have forgotten all about Gary Robb, AGA Amaranta Valley where he defrauded 57 people into buying houses. Well, here is the latest about him. I feel so sorry for the people who lost their money. A similar story for properties to either side of us where there are half built houses falling into disrepair, each one somebody’s dream and life savings no doubt.

David and Kenny invited us over to their house in the morning and it was lovely to see them again and of course the dogs. Lots to chat about there including our Mr Nosey Russian neighbour who lives between the two of us and makes himself a nuisance to David and Kenny. He even wanders around their garden when their gate is padlocked! I don’t think he would come near ours when we are not here as David and Kenny have the best view and would know!

We did some gardening and then went to The Lodge in the evening. The food and service are both good there but they never seem very busy. The prices are cheaper than most too.


Thought for the Day – “Build someone up. Put their insecurities to sleep. Remind them they are worthy. Tell them they’re magical. Be light in a too often dim world.”

Tuesday 27th September 2016

Bargains – Park Holidays UK – Waterside Holiday Park in Devon & Simply Be Discount Code | 20% off | &Wallis Discount Code | 60% off | & Dorothy Perkins Voucher Code | 60% off | &Twinings Tea Chest | Free Delivery Discount Code & Make Savings Now With This Regatta Outlet Discount Code

Margaretha came round in the morning to have her computer fixed. Lena also came over while she was here. Lena had a friend with her who was  interested in buying the house but she said there was too much land.

We enjoy having Margaretha here and she stayed all morning discussing things as we said we would bring her electrical things she wanted next time we come.  BUT Mal fixed her computer literally in 5 minutes….oh yes she would need a new computer…NOT. Sorry to the shop she went to you have lost a sale! Absolute rogues.

Mal finished the pointing in the afternoon. All done. He’s just got to wait until it is completely dry and then clean it all.

I seem to be the only one swimming in our pool, Torin didn’t have time  and Mal hasn’t been in but I swim every day. I need the exercise!

In the evening we decided to go to Cano’s Green Palace in Karsiyaka as I know in the season they have lovely fresh tuna on the menu. We drove all the way up there and they didn’t have any. Instead Mal and I both had Kleftico and very good it was too. We don’t usually have starters but the meze looked good so we had that too. The picture is only cold mezes there were also hot ones

All the tables had been moved inside, Cypriots now think this is winter but we said we would like to eat outside so they did no more than bring us a table and two chairs outside. The owner is so nice, it’s really good service there and the prices are very good, I can never understand why more people don’t know about it. I guess because it is out of the way. Coming from Lapta, turn left at Karsiyaka Square and follow the signs all the way up to the restaurant, you can’t go wrong.

When we were given the bill, even taking account of the free coffees and brandies it was too cheap and then we realised they hadn’t put on the mezes so we had to tell them. It was still good value anyway.

Thought for the Day – “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

Monday 26th September 2016

Bargains – Thorntons Voucher Codes | 50% off | & How To Avoid The Wait For A Kwik Fit MOT Offer Code &Brantano Voucher Code | 30% off | & Hertz Discount Code | 20% off & Look Fantastic Promo Code | 15% off | & Cheap Printer Cartridges, Toners and Inks |

A beautiful sky early morning and Turkey is so clear across the sea. This is the view from our bed!

2016-09-26 04-39-07 - IMG_9165

Mal continued doing the pointing, whilst I tried to clean cement dust off everywhere and everything. It seems everything you touch in the house is covered and if not cement dust then normal dust where it has been so windy.

We heard from Torin and he was back at work at 6am this morning!

I started thinking this morning, there are so many volunteers who give their time up for Karsiyaka Turtle Watch, to walk along Guzelyali beach every day and all the other work they do, so thought someone ought to thank them. So, I have!

Lunchtime we met up with Margaretha at Blue Song. It’s so nice to see her, we keep asking her to come for a holiday in the UK but I guess it gets difficult having too many holidays a year when she has 10 dogs  and probably the same amount of cats. She always has cat and dog food in her car in case she finds any animals that look underfed. One day maybe. Anyway, we had a good catch up with her. She’s also been having problems with her computer and the shop has told her she needs a new one, so Mal is going to look at it tomorrow.

In the evening we watched last weeks Cold Feet as we realised we had missed it nd hadn’t watched any TV.

Thought for the Day – “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” ~ C S Lewis

Sunday 25th September 2016

Bargains – Matalan Sale Online | 50% off | & Zavvi Voucher Codes | 10% off | & Photobox Offer Code | 50% off | & La Redoute Discount Code | 40% off | & Jacamo Sale | 70% off | & Joules Discount Code | 20% off |

We were up at 5 to drive Torin to Ercan airport. He wanted to be dropped at the door and us not go in. He knows I am dreadful saying goodbyes at airports!

Torin does like to keep fit and these are a couple of his “exercises” during the week in between laying the terrace!

Mal spent the morning pointing and then we went down to Açmenya for our Sunday lunch. All the sunday lunch signs had been taken down so we presumed that the price had increased but no, it is still 25 tl (£6.50 at today’s exchange rate) for three courses, help yourself to deserts, followed by help yourself coffee and brandy. It was full of ex pats as usual! Mal over did it on the desert!

We watched the Hammers game in the evening. It was awful and they can’t keep blaming it on an atmosphere less stadium! As Mal said who are these people they have bought?!

Thought for the Day  – “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined.” ~  Thoreau

Saturday 24th September 2016

Bargains – Currys Deals | Sale Now On | & Matalan Sale Online | 50% off | & Monarch Cheap Flights | £29.99 | & Holland and Barrett | Free UK Delivery | & The Toy Shop Discount Code | 50% off | & WH Smiths Books | 75% off |

Need I go on about complications with the terrace?? So this morning the pointing began, they gave us one mix, it didn’t work, went to buy some more and that was no good. The third lot worked but it is taking so long and Torin has had no holiday so Mal is going to finish it. BUT good news for Torin. Every time he has been to stay he has missed the turtles and I have had my fingers crossed this week and today’s announcement from Karsiyaka Turtle Watch…………

???????????????? HATCHLING RELEASE TONIGHT????????????????

We will be releasing at least 19 hatchlings tonight which were excavated this morning from our last nest of the season! So if you’d like to come along and watch them start their journey into the sea, come and join us. Please meet at The Turtle Shack, Guzelyali Beach, Karsiyaka at 18:15.
No need to book, everyone welcome. ????

I was so pleased for him as he has been so disappointed on previous visits. How lucky were we , the last release of the season!!

So early evening we headed off to Guzelyali beach and had a drink at the bar while we were waiting. There are two lovely dogs there that KTW have been feeding and of course now they won’t be searching the beach for turltes any more, who is going to look after the dogs. Well, Torin fell in love with one of them Buddy….

I think if he had fitted in Torin’s case he would have taken him!

Not only was Torin lucky it was this night but they also seemed to release them when it was not quite as dark as usual. Sometimes we have been there and you could hardly spot them. BUT you are not allowed to hold them any more because of salmonella. Torin’s face watching them was incredible, he is just like me, thinks they and their journey to sea is magical. It has to be one of the “must do’s”  in life. A Huge thank you to Karsiyaka Turtle Watch.

We also saw the storks migrating

After all the excitement of the evening we asked Torin where he would like to go for dinner. He seems to love Silver Rocks, so that is where we went. He seemed to have a broad smile on his face for the rest of the evening!

On a sad note we had to go home so that Torin could pack to return to the UK.

Thought for the Day – “Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.” ~ Hans Christian Andersen