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Down to Minnis Bay with Ellie and then I went to Sainsburys for very little and came out with a lot! Clothes mainly as they were all 25% off! That was an expensive popping out for a loaf of bread!
After lunch we drove over to Wingham and took Ellie all around the village. We had booked into the Dog Inn for the night. The last time we stayed they offered us a really good deal which we couldn’t refuse and anyway, they love Ellie staying there!! It means if we stay the night that I can have a drink with their delicious food. Mal also likes it because they have their own micro brewery with some very good beers!
Ellie made me laugh as soon as we were in our room she just lay down on the floor. In fact she could have had her own room as this time we were given a suite, the room we used and another bedroom and a huge bathroom!
We left Ellie in the room when we went to eat dinner. The Manager told us to bring Ellie down but I said no because some people don’t like dogs in restaurants. They said that was tough but I said no, when we had finished eating we would bring her into the bar which we did.It seemed there was a hotel full of dog lovers. It’s always a lovely atmosphere in the hotel and even more so this evening as a couple became engaged in the restaurant! The Manageress also came out and insisted that Ellie have a sausage!

She’s a well travelled dog and seems to love staying in hotels, especially as everyone makes such a fuss of her.
Thought for the Day – “Animals have come to mean so much in our lives. We live in a fragmented and disconnected culture. Politics are ugly, religion is struggling, technology is stressful, and the economy is unfortunate. What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on? A dog or a cat loving us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.” ~ Jon Katz