Friday 30th September 2022

I have to say after yesterday’s keep fit, I am not aching as much as I thought I would be.

Today Daisy arrived.

She will be staying for today and tomorrow.

I had a phone call from the doctor as I have a rash under my arm, this is now the third time. The first time I was sent to Deal hospital and the doc there gave me antibiotics.  It appeared again and I didn’t bother doing anything but each time it is very sore. So, this time a day or so later the doctor phoned me and said he would write a prescription for a months antibiotics and if it doesn’t clear then I will have to actually SEE a doctor! I have to say, the first time I showed my sister and she saw similar rashes in a medical article relating it to long Covid symptoms but then neither her nor I are doctors!

We are still getting so much from the allotment and Mal has even dug up some horseradish to jar up.

Daisy has been very well behaved. We had to keep her on the lead as she has a bad leg and so can’t run as much as she would really like too.

Thought for the Day -‘ Limit your “always” and your “nevers.” ‘ ~ Amy Poehler