Sunday 29th April 2012

Here is another bargain to get those in the UK in the ‘Jubilee mood’.

We were up in the night with Rosie again but bit by bit she is improving. It doesn’t seem much difference because we are with her all the time but it is. She even had a tiny bark for the first time in weeks.

Mal was on the web cam with River going over his Biology Revision with him.

Well, at last Spurs won their game in the evening. We also watched the Chelsea 6-1 win. A nice swim in the afternoon too.

In the evening we spoke to the boys in Cardiff and Tariq’s football team, Canton Rangers won 9-1 on Saturday. He set up three and scored four. Well done Tariq. He was also chosen as Man of the Match. Out of all the boys Tariq is the really sporty one.


Thought for the Day – “ Too many people miss the silver lining because they’re expecting gold.”  ~ Maurice Setter