Saturday 23rd August 2014

Bargains –  Halfords Camping Sale | 50% off | Brantano Voucher Code | 25% off | Plants For Sale | Thorntons Voucher Codes | 50% off | Look Fantastic Voucher Code | 20% off | Blacks Discount Code | 10% off | Free Delivery |

It is just so nice to be down at the beach before anyone else. The beach to ourselves as the sun rises. Not so long ago it was 5am. Now it has moved to 6am. Ellie is getting far better going in the sea.

23-08-14 03-44-37 - 0022


Another basil harvest. I have had so much which I am using and freezing, I love it. I also gave David and Kenny 4 plants in various stages of growth.
For what it is worth Cyprus Today.
We watched the Everton v Arsenal game. 2-2
Thought for the Day – “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It is just you have decided to see life beyond the imperfections.”