Tuesday 25th June 2024

The workmen are still digging outside (Virgin), it just goes on and on but at least I left it behind as I had a dental appointment.  That didn’t go well. After the last extraction (lower) she was supposed to be doing an impression but I told her the top plate she made a couple of months ago was STILL too tight and making my mouth so sore and pushing on another tooth. I had given up trying to wear it. She had already tried to make it fit on three previous occasions. She got a bit cross because I couldn’t wear it and told me it is because I have gum disease and my teeth move!! She then suggested I go private and I asked what the difference would be if it was my teeth’s fault and she said they would take more care!  Oh, I see (I didn’t say this to her) but obviously you don’t get care on the NHS!!!!!! She ended up taking two impressions and is going to have another top plate made as well. She covered me in that pink stuff, by this time she was obviously getting fed up with me. I asked her for her suggestions what to do “go private”!! She is a very brusque Irish lady and heavy handed.

Fortunately she told me she is away all July so would I wait for her return or see her colleague……of course I said see her colleague. I don’t want to go back to her again!!

I will ask maxillofacial for her advice following the all round X ray I had. I had an appointment with her but was un able to get there (Faversham) last week as I had no car and her next appointment is August.

And it goes on…………………………………..

And so does this…………………………..

Oh dear England..not a good game.

Thought for the Day – “Embrace every new day with gratitude , hope and love.” ~ Lailah Gifty Akita